Value of a 1960's Gibson SG - Appraisal & Worth Information
Trying to find the value of your 1960's Gibson SG?
We have found that 1960's Gibson SGs can range in value from $3,000 to $17,000. There are many factors that go into that valuation and we can assist in finding the actual value of your instrument.
To find the value of your vintage 1960's Gibson SG, please use the information below or contact us to get a professional appraisal within 24 hours.
You may also use the chat function on our website to talk live with a person in our store during regular business hours.
Phone: 410-571-9660
We buy vintage instruments and pay top dollar. We may even come to you and buy your instrument. We regularly travel to Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the rest of the US and Canada.
Some guitars will fetch more value or less value than what you see here. The best option to know is to call us at 410-571-9660.
There are many factors that go into that valuation and we can assist in finding the actual value of your instrument. Consider the following:
- Does your guitar have a serial number?
- Have there been any modifications to your guitar?
- What year was guitar made? 1963? 1964? 1965?
- Does the truss rod work and adjust the neck properly?
- Do you have the original case?
- Are the pickups original?
- What condition is it in?
- What color is your guitar?
- What are the pot codes?
- What does the neck stamp say?
- Is the pickguard cracked?
- Are there missing parts?
- Do the tuners work properly?
- How is the neck angle?
- Has the nut been replaced?
- Do you have the original receipt?
- Has the pickup cavity been routed?
- Do you have the original paperwork or accessories?
- Has the guitar been refretted?
To find out these details, call us: 410-571-9660 or email us: