About Garrett Park Guitars

Music has always been in my blood. Both my mother and father played piano and organ. Even before I was born I was surrounded by music and harmony as my mother played the church organ. My parents gave my sister and I a guitar as soon as the Beatles came out, but it wasn’t until my 16th birthday that my father found me an old Gibson acoustic that I began to take guitar seriously. Soon thereafter playing guitar and songwriting became my passion.

Later I moved from Richmond, Virginia to Washington D.C. and met Cesar Diaz who mentored me and gave me the vintage-guitar bug. Soon thereafter, I took a job in medical sales and, as I traveled the Southeastern states in my job, I also hunted for old guitars.

In 1982, I attended the Greater Southwest guitar show in Dallas, Texas for the first time where I met collectors and dealers from across the U.S. and the globe. At about the same time, I wanted to establish a business mailing address. After inquiring with the Kensington, Maryland post office about boxes for rent and being told they were all sold out, I was referred to the Post office in Garrett Park, Maryland. The business was in need of a name and Garrett Park Guitars had a certain ring to it; thus Garrett Park Guitars, or GPG, was born.

In 1991 we opened our first brick and mortar store in Arnold, Maryland selling vintage guitars exclusively. Soon thereafter, we chose to add new lines to our offerings and, in 1994, we moved to Annapolis, Maryland where we now are located.

- Rick

Over the past 30 years, Garrett Park Guitars has become a hub for all things guitar, specializing in rare, collectible and vintage guitars with a global clientele. Our passionate team of highly skilled specialists will help you find exactly what you are looking for.

Garrett Park Guitars is a member of the Fender Dealer Advisory Board and a contributor to the Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide. Located in the town of Annapolis, Maryland, we welcome you to come experience our unique Garrett Park Guitars shop.