About Garrett Park Guitars

Garrett Park Guitars has been a hub for all things guitar for over 30 years, specializing in rare, collectible, and vintage models. A two-man team consisting of Rick Hogue, who founded the company in 1991, and Alex Stinton, who joined Rick in 2022, GPG is based in Annapolis, Maryland, and strives to maintain a personable, downhome feel while serving a global clientele. 

Rick Hogue

Rick has been buying and selling guitars, amps, and basses since the early '80s, when he was supposed to be selling medical supplies, but that's another story. Since forming GPG in '91, Rick has been an annual contributor to the Vintage Guitar Price Guide and acknowledged as the expert on PRS, although he is equally knowledgeable and experienced with Fender, Gibson, Martin, and other American guitar brands. It's rare, but when he's not thinking about vintage Strats and Goldtop Les Pauls, Rick enjoys gigging with his band, traveling, fishing, and fine bourbon.

Alex Stinton

Alex began playing guitar at 12 after seeing a commercial for The Beatles' album. As a teenager, he wrote songs and performed in bands, but was ultimately sidetracked by the idea of teaching. It wasn't until he'd gotten his master's that Alex realized he needed more excitement than a classroom could provide, so he found his way back to music, joining GPG in 2022. Since then, he's benefitted from Rick's experience in the trade and represents the next generation of vintage guitar enthusiasts. He enjoys crosswords, songwriting, fishing, and fine beer.